When you make a card that is not a standard size sometimes you have to make your own envelope. When you use the double sided designer series paper you get really cute envelopes that have that extra surprise when you open them up.All Supplies Stampin' Up!: Carte Postale stamp set; Bashful Blue and whisper card stock; Old Olive classic ink pad; Old Olive Poly-Twill Ribbon; Summer Picnic DSP; Styled Silver Hodgepodge Hardware.
There is a simple formula to make an envelope - so if you are ready to use a little math...
To determine the size of paper you need for the envelope:
Take the height of the card times 2 1/2 and that will give you the height of the envelope paper. Take the width of the card and add 1 1/4" that gives you the width of the envelope paper.
For example a 3" x 4" card would need a pieces of paper cut to 7 1/2" (3" x 2 1/2=7 1/2") by 5 1/4" (4" + 1 1/4"=5 1/4")
To determine where to score the envelope:
Score 1/2" in along both long sides of the paper you have cut for the envelope.
Subtract 1 1/4" from the height, this is the first score line across the width of the paper. (using the 3" x 4" card example that would mean that you would subtract 1 1/4
from 3 and you would have a score mark at 1 3/4")
The second score line across the width of the paper is the height of the card plus the width to the first score line plus 1/4". ( for the 3" x 4" card that would mean 3"+1 3/4"+ 1/4" and you would put your second score at 5")
Once all of your score marks are done you can cut our the four corner rectangles and then I like to round the corners because I think that it makes the envelope look more finished. Here is a picture of what the "unfinished envelope would look like and the measurements for our 3" x 4" card example as well as placement of the sticky strip. This isn't pretty but it is what I store in my idea book so that I can remember the "formula" when I need to make an envelope.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Need an Envelope?
Carte Postale,
Just Because
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Wow! Thanks for the template and the math to figure this out myself!
Great card!
Awesome. I'll have to test this out when I have more time.
This is wonderful! Thanks for posting the template!! I will definitely have to give this a try!!
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