Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What is good way to keep your hands warm on a cold day?

Stamp, Stamp, Stamp!

If you are anywhere near the Midwest like me you will know that it was cold today! I went to get the mail this morning and it was so cold it took my breath away for just a moment. I came back into the house and the mid-day news weathercast came on... wind chills of -15 degrees!!! That explains the loss of breath.

Well, that was enough reason for me to stay inside and what is better than spending some time inside if you have a craft space that is just asking you to pay attention to it. I had some time to put together a few things using my new sale-a-bration sets and even a few things from our new occasions mini catalog that will not be public until March 1st.

That got me thinking that I really need to share these creations with my friends and customers. I know they usually get to see them eventually but sometimes I make a card a mail it out and only the person who I mailed it to ever sees it. So, I decided to start this blog so that I can share quickly with everyone what I am working on and what inspired me.

I am really excited to post those items but my camera is having an "issue". Maybe it is frozen. I promise to try and get it to behave tomorrow so that I can get the pictures posted.

1 comment:

Stephanie Hargis said...

I am excited to see what you do with your blog! I already love what you have made! Keep posting! :D